"How can I help an 11 year old with bumps/small spots in the T zone? Is BP too harsh?"

"How can I help an 11 year old with bumps/small spots in the T zone? Is BP too harsh?" #askdrnatalia

It is totally normal for pre-teens to start getting acne as one of the first signs that they are heading into puberty. 🌱

And those little bumps you describe in the t-zone are called comedones and are the most early stages of acne lesion formation.

No, benzoyl peroxide (BP) is not too harsh, though It is generally very drying.

A topical retinoid is a great place to start and I often suggest differin gel.

Epiduo is a combination of differin gel and benzoyl peroxide and when used nightly or every other night (in case it is too drying) it can be super effective at reducing the comedones.