6,241 patients.

This is how many patients (approximately) I have seen in the past 12 months (Over 90% are NHS patients). And I love it! I love being a dermatologist!!

(Just for comparison - the average UK consultant dermatologist sees 2,632 patients in a 42-week year if they work full-time) (ref: https://www.bad.org.uk/library-media/documents/consultant%20physicians%20working%20with%20patients%202013.pdf)

This year I have seen more patients then I have ever before in my career to date. How have I done this? Well, I haven’t had a holiday (except for the 5 days of Christmas/New year) for a very long time and I usually work 6 full clinical days a week as well as some evenings.

Why am I counting? Because I am preparing for my annual appraisal which happens every year in May.

I have to look at my past year of work and make sure that I have maintained all aspects of my practice up to GMC standards. This means reviewing what I have done and reflected on it.

But seeing this volume of patients has not come without some sacrifices: I moved to a new flat in October 2019 and I still don’t have furniture, I’m single and don’t have children, and I can’t remember the last time I had a weekend off (well, before COVID shut everything down of course) – though what I would do if I did have a weekend off without a lockdown in place I don’t even know!

Why do I work this much? Because practice makes better, I love my job and I want to be as good as I can be.

I am by no means the best dermatologist in the world (and I don’t expect I ever will be of course) but the only way to even try to become really great at what you do is by working hard and gaining as much experience as possible. And dermatology is all about the experience! Love what you do and you will never have to work a day in your life, right? :)

Natalia Spierings