Can you Treat Hair Loss?

Treatment for hair loss depends on the underlying cause and of course the patient - age, other medical problems, history of hair loss, what the scalp looks like on examination and so on.

There are many conditions of the scalp, hair follicle and systemic problems that can cause hair loss.

I would hope I can at least help it but that completely depends on what the underlying cause is so I cannot guarantee that I can help any specific patient without seeing them first.

I also have different medications available to me in the different places I work; I have more effective prescription treatments for androgenetic hair loss, for example, in Dubai than in London, so your geographical location is also an issue.

However, I do not do any ‘cosmetic’ type treatments for hair loss that have no efficacy and no known evidence-base but just cost you a lot of money.

So if there is no good or effective treatment for your hair loss I will tell you that. I am a doctor and not a beautician, after all, and I am not here to sell you things just to make a commission - that is unethical and no doctor should practice that type of medicine.

Natalia Spierings